Tales of Love & Adventure

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A look back at what I made in 2023

Mornings are my time to thrive. As an early riser, I enjoy the stillness before everyone wakes. It’s also when my mind is most active with ideas that quickly grow. In the summer, it’s amazing because there’s ample light to work with, but in the winter, less so. In either case, morning is a good time for reflection, editing, going for a walk, or puttering in the greenhouse. I began and ended 2023 with a daily challenge for the month that helped my intention and to keep creating.

After years of teaching photography, I had amassed so many photos that I’d taken for the classes and workshops I’d done. I had even taken on a 365 that I made into a book (pictured above) and found myself asking, what can I do with all these? I thought maybe, just maybe, I could sell them as prints. Maybe I could have a print shop on my website. It’s crazy, it’s bold, but maybe. So at the beginning of the year, I talked to my daughter about it. She is entrepreneurially minded and is often asking about ways to start a business. What if we took this on together? By February we had a plan laid out and we opened a print shop. I’ll admit that I was scared and anxious, but we went for it. I cried as the first few orders came in, because what a remarkable and humbling feeling that is! We launched various collections throughout the year, then made a calendar to wrap up the year. It was a wonderful learning experience to share together. I spent a good amount of time learning what it took to print those photographs for their highest quality, figuring out packaging, and writing endless notes of thanks. It was here that my daughter and I discussed what looked right, which image fit better in this context or that. I listened and watched her creativity unfold in small yet meaningful ways.

Most of the photographs I make are based on what I cut or harvest from my garden in each season. Aside from what’s already been planted and established in the garden, I grow the majority from seed and love to showcase what can’t be bought from the store. Honestly, it just feels good to make things. To find or create something just for the beauty of it. I’m grateful to have the opportunity and time with my daughter to lean into this venture. I’m excited to see what more this year will hold.

Thank you all for your support!