Island Date Night

We don't get out just the two of us very often. Although, we enjoy doing things with our kids, so neither of us mind. When we get that rare opportunity, we're quickly reminded of the value in spending  time with just each other. I'm still crazy about my guy and I love that we're often on the same page when it comes to our idea of a good time. This was definitely one of them!

We're fortunate to live just a few minutes away from the Puget Sound. A quick jaunt down to the ferry gets us a ride to a nearby island. It's a fun way to escape city life and enjoy a new place. While it is only a few minutes away, there is a completely different feel, people are different.

It's a small island compared to others in Western Washington, but it has everything you need and has a definite cozy feel. We drove onto the island and immediately drove the length of it. We still have a lot to explore there, so it's been fun to go back each time and discover something new. We stopped by a huge nature preserve, drove around back roads, found quite a few deer and turkeys, then hit the town! For a Friday night, it was pretty busy with art gallery shows, live music covering downtown, and plenty of good food options. We scored a pizza place and had it to ourselves for awhile. So good!

I'm grateful for opportunities like this. To just be together. To live in such a beautiful place. Summer adventures are just beginning! 


Seattle Adventure


Family fishing day