Cheers to 31 years!

Back in April my sweet husband celebrated his birthday. I love to celebrate this guy, but if it's not a fishing trip, it's hard to figure out what to get for or do for him. Well, one of the things we love most is getting away, getting out of town, and enjoying a different view. While I think he was probably more disappointed than he would've liked to admit because he wasn't fishing, I have to say that I really loved this weekend away. A few towns over I scored this cute little cabin on AirBnB. While it wasn't exactly what we thought it was, it was still really great.

The last day we were there, I invited some of our best friends to come out and BBQ with us to celebrate. I love that they all took the time to drive out and be with us. After looking through these pictures again, it makes me realize that we should enjoy these simple pleasures much more than just on a special occasion. From playing with old original board games, having dance parties in front of the fire, and exploring around the area - it's not unreasonable to enjoy those things at home too.

Cheers to another birthday with my favorite guy! Nine birthdays together now, but who's counting?!


June Garden Tour


Not a Statistic