Tales of Love & Adventure

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Twenty Fourteen, Stay Cool

Our morning began at 6 am the first day. We only had one night to stay at the cabin, so I was bound and determined to make the most our time.

I've said it before and I'm sure you'll hear it again and again, mornings are magical. I just know it. It's like a best kept secret. Although I'm not naturally early to rise, I've never regretted forcing myself to get up. I'm determined to change this about myself.

From the rising sun to the morning fog and frost covered leaves, there's no other time you see anything quite like it. The cities are hushed and the traffic his sparce, the sun is rising ever so slowly. There's something to be said about the slow pace of the beginning of a day. I'm not one for rushing, I enjoy taking my time, and no morning starts better than when I rise slowly and at my own pace. As wonderful as it is to lounge, I really crave the routine the start of the day calls for, and all done at pace and with the ability to enjoy the actions you take.

We were 15 miles from the coast and the sun had just risen over the eastern horizon. Frost covering all the low, shaded plants, and wow, it was stunning. As much as I love tropical beaches, I truly love the uniqueness offered in the Pacific Northwest. The skies were clear and the forecast called for sun, a type of weather I hadn't yet experienced in Forks. A type of weather  never taken for granted around here.

As if our morning wasn't enjoyable enough, we arrived at Ocean Shores to find frost covering most of the dunes and a brilliant sun offering a diamond like gleam for miles. We turn to leave and continue on our destination when I spot two large birds. I point them out to my husband and we quickly discover three eagles feasting just ahead of us. A rare sight.

I've been to Forks many times. At first because I had learned the Hoh rainforest was one of the top ten quietest places on earth, and second, because my husband is an angler and some of the best fishing in the world is here. At first glance, there isn't much to this sleepy little town, but surrounded by unique coast line and beaches, mossy forests, and wildlife, it is truly unlike any other place in the world.

Through the evening, we settled in with our small group of friends. We drank merrily, feasted, and played games. For this short time, we were surrounded by love, adventure, and down to earth good time. My heart was full, and all I could think was that I wanted this as often as I could get it. Look out 2014!

On the first morning to wake at the cabin, I quickly showered and dressed before everyone else and headed out to see another gorgeous frost-covered morning, I followed the trail down to the river with my pups by my side. Part of my list of things to change in our lives this year is to get up early and find some way to enjoy nature and be active. Every single day. I want to hike in the morning and watch the sunrise over an incredible view, I want to learn to row, ride bikes, run, and take long walks.

My view of the falls from climbing down on the rocks.

I see the world differently these days. It happens as you grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. And so you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on. It's taken me some time to be ok with these changes, to understand why some friendships have dwindled, why my relationship has changed so much and how to make it work. It's taken some time for me to realize its time to focus on me again. To find gratification in new interests, new people, new food, new experiences and new places. This year is that time, and I am anxious, excited, and ready.

If you haven't seen our teeth chattering, yet epic adventure from the 1st, check it out here.

Also, I am the featured photographer at In Beauty and Chaos. So thrilled!